The best anti-aging products for everyday

What is rejuvenation? How do we imagine it? Firm, fresh skin without wrinkles? Beautiful shiny hair. Strong nails.
But body rejuvenation is not just visible external manifestations.

These are well functioning organs, a clear mind, excellent eyesight. These are healthy joints and strong blood vessels. It is the maintenance of hormone levels during menopause. This is a healthy state of our body cells.

It is the cell's ability to regenerate that prolongs our youth.

Who are these sorcerers who care about our youth, beauty and health?


  • Vitamin C,
  • Vitamin E,
  • Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids,
  • Phytoestrogens,
  • amino acids,
  • tryptophan,
  • Magnesium,
  • Zinc,
  • Polyphenols,
  • Glycopine,
  • Beta-carotene.

What is the source of these components for a person?

The proper nutrition we talk about all the time. This is the key to a healthy state of your body and, consequently, to prolonging your youth.

No wonder the great Hippocrates said: "We are what we eat"

Food is our building material. The quality of our cells depends on the foods we choose in our diet and, therefore, on our beauty and longevity.

What products will help us prolong our youth? In fact, there are a lot of them! After all, Nature herself took care of it!

Vitamin C

vitamin c in food

Let's give first place to products containing the maximum amount of youth vitamin- Vitamin C.
The main thing is that you can find them on the shelves of our stores or in the market:

  • Kiwi,
  • sea buckthorn
  • blackcurrant,
  • Lemon,
  • Bell pepper,
  • Microgreen,
  • Dill, parsley and other vegetables,
  • Any kind of cabbage.


kiwi to preserve youth

Although this fruit does not grow in our latitudes, it has long since become ours in our diet. And he has every right to do that. In fact, 100g of kiwi fruit contains a double daily fee.vitamin C.

What is the role of vitamin C in the rejuvenation process? It is irreplaceable in summarycollagen. . .
Collagen gives our skin a firm, fresh appearance. Simply put, if you don't want premature wrinkles, saggy skin, brittle nails, and dull hair, remember foods that contain vitamin C.

Bell pepper

chili to preserve youth

It's hard to imagine a healthy diet without this vegetable. Chili is a tasteful decoration of many dishes and, at the same time, it is low in calories. But you need to love it not just for its taste, but also for its exceptional usefulness. It's rich in vitaminsC, E, P, A, B and trace elements.

It may surprise you, but peppers have a higher concentration of vitamin C than lemons and blackcurrants.

Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Silicon, Iodine, plus the presenceantioxidants.All these vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, promote the elasticity of blood vessels. The presence of carotene in pepper promotes hair growth, affects the quality of skin and nails, and improves vision. Studies have shown that it helps to fight depression, insomnia and restore strength. This is one of the leaders in rejuvenating our bodies.


spinach to preserve youth

Why should you fall in love with spinach? For the high vitamin contentC, E, P, B1, B2, B6, PP, D2,and also for the high contentproteins,periron, potassium, iodine.

Spinach prevents the development of tumors, lowers blood sugar levels. Take care of the beauty. People who eat spinach regularly have beautiful, healthy hair, strong teeth, and youthful skin.

Spinach has a lot of fiber. Cleans the intestines perfectly. Essential for anyone looking to lose weight.


The enemy of our cells is free radicals. are successfully foughtantioxidantsentitledpolyphenols. . .

Polyphenols restore cells and prolong youth, protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the human body, fight against the appearance of cancer cells.

And perhaps the name polyphenols is unfamiliar to many, but everyone knows the products that contain them.

Dark chocolate

dark chocolate to preserve youth

Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa does an excellent job of fighting free radicals. Helps keep the body in good shape. Promotes rejuvenation.

And all thanks to the polyphenol calledtin.

It is contained in:

  • Khaki,
  • Black tea
  • oak bark,
  • Eucalyptus leaves,
  • Wise.


carrots to preserve youth

Everyone knows a bright orange vegetable. In addition to the antioxidant calledflavonoid,carrots are richbeta-carotene.Thanks to him, our skin, teeth and nails have improved.

Flavonoidsalso found in these products:

  • Tomatoes,
  • Aubergine,
  • Thyme,
  • Parsley,
  • Red peppers.


blueberries to preserve youth

Thanks tophenolic acid, which gives a rejuvenating effect, blueberries are actively used in cosmetology. Also, blueberries help to keep our eyes healthy. Slows down aging and degenerative body processes

Phenolic acid can also be found in:

  • Plum,
  • Cherry,
  • Apples,
  • Lower leg.


ginger to preserve youth

Most of the time we use ginger root as an anti-inflammatory agent for colds. Many people like to add it to sauces and marinades. But few people know that ginger is a unique anti-aging agent.

A special feature of ginger is that it fights senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Ginger improves memory, fights free radicals and prevents mental breakdown. Reduces inflammation.

The constant use of ginger gives the chance and opportunity to keep a clear mind and activity well into old age.

It's important to know that all foods that contain polyphenols and other antioxidants slow aging, improve carbohydrate metabolism, and normalize blood pressure.

These anti-aging foods should be incorporated into your diet long before aging in order to prolong youth as much as possible.


Phytoestrogens are plant analogues of the female hormones estrogen. They stimulate collagen formation. And as we know, collagen is responsible for the skin's firmness and elasticity.

Therefore, as we age, when the level of the hormone estrogen drops, our skin starts to fade. But there are plants that help preserve youth:


soy to preserve youth

An exclusive product for women.

Allows you to maintain hormonal balance and has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, preventing osteoporosis. Soy phytoestrogens strengthen blood vessel walls, reduce harmful cholesterol and stabilize the psyche.

Based on the phytoestrogens, which are contained in soy, preparations are made to maintain the hormonal balance in women. They facilitate PMS and the menopause process. Soy lecithin is obtained from soy. It is the most important material for building the body's cells.

Lecithin also contains the active substance of heppaprotectors - phospholipids.

Phospholipids are involved in liver cell repair. Which is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body. And that means our well-being.

Soybeans can be considered a product of eternal youth. It can preserve femininity in a woman for a long time.


broccoli to preserve youth

This cabbage appeared on our menu not long ago. It is neutral and has little flavor. However, supporters of proper nutrition have already recognized its usefulness. It is used raw and cooked. It goes well with other vegetables, meat and especially fish.

Broccoli contains:

  • vitamins C, E, P, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, K,
  • folic acid
  • pro-vitamin A and beta-carotene,
  • iron, zinc, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium.

Eating broccoli slows down premature aging. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, breast tumors, endometriosis. This cabbage with its properties is simply irreplaceable for a woman's health.

The phytoestrogens found in broccoli stimulate collagen formation. Keeps skin soft and supple. They improve mood, reduce stress and depression.

It's safe to say that phytoestrogen-containing products are youth-restoring products.

Omega 3 and Vitamin E

Omega-3 prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels and prevents blood from clotting. Omega-3s have antioxidant properties, boost immunity and reduce allergic reactions.

fatty fish of the sea

oily marine fish to preserve youth

The main supplier of Omega 3 is marine fish:

  • Salmon,
  • Salmon,
  • Horsetail,
  • Herring.

The lack of Omega-3 in the body leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and nails, the functioning of the reproductive system and a decrease in brain activity.

Omega-3 also contains:

  • rapeseed oil,
  • Linseed oil,
  • Soy oil,
  • Fish eggs,
  • Pumpkin seeds.

Foods that contain omega-3s prolong youth, improve sleep, facilitate the onset of menopause in women, reduce anxiety and mood swings.


almonds to preserve youth

Almonds, like others, are rich in nutsvitamin E.
Almonds also containflavonoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. . .

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. Strengthens the immune system, promotes skin cell regeneration. Almonds are essential for anyone who takes care of their health and uses healthy foods to preserve their youth.
Vitamin E is also rich in:

  • Nut,
  • Hazelnut,
  • Sunflower seeds,
  • Olive oil,
  • Peanut,
  • Pine nuts.

As you can see, the rejuvenation products we talked about have been your family for a long time. Many of them are constantly present in your diet.

Remember that these are allies in wanting to be healthy and young for as long as possible.

Love yourself, love those around you. Enjoy the taste of healthy food and clean water. Be young in body and spirit!